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Once I’ve made my Will, can I change my mind?

Once I’ve made my Will, can I change my mind? Absolutely. You can change your Will whenever you like – provided you still have what is called “testamentary capacity” – in other words, you understand what you are doing and you are doing it of your own free will.

Don’t let the fear of not making the “right” decision in your Will from stopping you making a Will at all. Start off with putting something down in writing, as having a Will is in the vast majority of cases far better than not having a Will at all.  

When making a Will, I try to encourage clients to keep it relevant to present circumstances. Don’t try to make your Will cover every situation that might arise in future, because that can make it overly complicated.  It can be changed as circumstances changed.

Some people like to change their Will frequently, whilst others won’t have made changes for 30 years or more. I recommend that you review the contents of your Will at least every 5 years, as it is easy to overlook everyday changes in personal circumstances which have an impact on your Will.

So if you made your Will over 5 years ago, go and look it out and read over it. You might be surprised at what you wrote 5 years ago.